November 25, 2008

Day 12

So today the doctors reported Dawns neutrophils have increased to 40 from 2 days ago which they were 10. She still needs them to be 500 to be safe. Also her white blood cells increased to 950 from 470 the day before. Her rash seemed to clear up on her upper body but has spread to her lower body. They also said it would probably be at least 5 more days until she is discharged. She has aquired a cough and has had alot of nausea. They think she might have acquired a cold but still waiting for blood cultures to see. Hopefully none of her visitors came down here with symptoms of a cold and didn't say anything cause that would not be good for her to get a cold right now with no immune system. We most likely will know more tommorow as to the results of the blood cultures.


rachvarnes said...

Please please please keep us updated! I really like reading how she is doing. Tell her that I really miss her and want her to get better soon!! Tell her I love her too!! Kisses to Hailey and I am so proud of you!! You are such an amazing husband and she is very lucky to have you!!! You are a blessing Ron!! :D

Dawn said...

Thanks RV! LU2!