October 18, 2008

Paraneoplastic Syndrome

Anyone know what's wrong with me? I am great today. No idea what ten minutes will show. No appetite. At least they let me leave the floor today went outside. Nice day. Ron and Charles went to go get me food. Mindy visited today too. Had a couple coffees and a nap. I am in this bottom of the barrel strange category where no one can really tell what's wrong with me. The docs are keeping me here for another day or so to monitor me. Who knows what will happen.

Could be Paraneoplastic Syndrome

Antibiotic side effect
or Pregnason (sp?) keeping a "tumor" from giving me side effects.

Who knows.

9 days here so far.8NE ain't it great. :)

Thanks everyone for being here and thinking of me. Mom, Dad, Billy, Breanna, Love u guys.

off for now to play a game while I can.


rachvarnes said...

I just wanted to tell you that I am praying for you and that I miss you! I am thinking of you always and my prayers are with you and your family! I miss you bunches!!

I love you!


Nicholette said...

I'm so glad to hear from you. I know I can call but more worried about it not being a good time. I think about you all the time. I miss you, and Jordan really misses Hailey. I want to come and visit, let me know when its a good time.

Love Ya!