January 7, 2009

Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, it's been so long since I posted. Sorry for that. I find out tomorrow what the results of my PET scan will be. Three options at this point can come out of it. 1. I'm all fixed and don't need any more treatments, 2. I may need "spot treatments" if there are small areas that are still active, 3. mini allogeneic transplant, using my sister's stem cells. Nervous about tomorrow. Thank you to all my friends and family for standing by me during this time. Boy was it nice have a couple weeks vacation from thinking about cancer. :) Talk to you all soon....



1 comment:

Nicholette said...

I hope your test results turn out allright. I'm always thinking about you. Jordan misses Hailey like crazy. Birthday party on the 31st at the skating rink, get back to me for details. Love Ya!