December 3, 2008

Can Anything Go Right

Well everything has been going somewhat ok until today. Dawn woke up at 5 am with a fever and chills. I called the clinic like I am supposed to and they said give her tylenol and come in at 8am. So we did and upon getting here the triage nurse wants to know why we didnt come in sooner. I told her what the nurse on the phone said and they were't happy by her decision. As it was put to me they have wrote an incidence report on that nurse. They have no clue what is going on cause her neutrophils jumped to over 5000 today. A very large jump for 1 day. They say if it was an infection her body should be able to fight it on its own with her counts where they are. She is most likely going to have to be admitted to the hospital again because they can't get her fever and chills under control which means there is most likely something more serious going on. The only other thing they said could be going on is her body is reacting to how fast her numbers are jumping. It isn't common but can happen. Well we all know when they say it isn't common what to look forward to cause that is what happens to Dawn. I will post later tonight to update if she goes to the hospital or not.

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