December 22, 2008


Well..... I'm home!!! Got here Wednesday the 17th..... one appointment this next week on Wednesday and then NO appointments until January 5th!!!!! Ron, Hailey, Charles, and I went sledding at Jennings Park yesterday!! So much fun. There are some great hills there. I really want to go again!!! I got the tubes taken out of my arm today. NO MORE TUBES. :) Well, we can hope.

Talk to you soon!!


December 12, 2008


Love you guys!! Thanks for all the comments!! The scoop is I will be home SOON!!!! I am on antibiotics for a another week or so. Starting Monday I have random appointments all week, I do have a three day weekend though, which is containing packing as much as I don't need and getting it to Marysville. WHICH MEANS..... if anyone calls me there is a great possibility that I could be in town. Which brings me to The Lights of Christmas. I want to take Hailey there the weekend after this. Does any one already have a date set for going?? Leave a comment, let me know!!

I am super excited. Things won't be a perfect world for some time but I want my life to be normal. "Guess you don't always get what ya' want". Christmas..... it will be good. I can't, I'm not supposed to hug or shake hands with anyone during the Cold/FLU season. Hailey is my exception. :)

Thank you all for caring so much. It does mean a lot to me. This process isn't over when I get home and might not be for some time so please keep me bookmarked, "favorited" or just become a follower, as I am excited to continue to keep in touch with everyone while get my life put back half way together.

The donations are exceptional. THANK YOU. I can not wait until these hard times are over. I know things are hard for everyone this time of year and I think about you all. Seattle is great and all but I am not prepared to live here again anytime soon. :) I just want to go home! "There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home......."

I seen a roll of wrapping paper at the Safeway in Seattle today and it was of the The Christmas Story. I really wanted to get it but I couldn't today.... has anyone seen it in Marysville... I still want it.

Thanks again for everything,


P.S. Mom, Dad, Billy, Breanna.... Love you so much, can't wait to come home.

December 4, 2008

Finally A Positive Test Result

Well they have done a whole bunch of tests on Dawn over the last couple of weeks and finally got a positive test result. They found a negative gram rod in her blood cultures from yesterday. This is a type of blood infection but they aren't for sure what exact type it is. They have to grow more on the cultures to get a more pin pointed diagnosis. They have her on antibiotics and she should be ok to leave by Monday. Hopefully this will be the last time in the hospital. They are most likely going to pull her Hickman line incase the infection got in her line. They were planning to pull her Hickman before she goes home anyways due to the risk of blood clots if they leave it in. They believe the blood infection is from herself due to the conditioning of her treatment. When a person is on antibiotics for a long period of time it kills the good and bad flora in her body. When it does this any bug in her gut can get out of control and seep through the intestinal walls into her blood. So even though Dawn has to be extra cautious for the next year or so she could still give her self a bug. She is the biggest threat to herself over the next few months. LET THIS BE THE END.

December 3, 2008

Back In The Hospital

So it is official, Dawn has been admitted back into the hospital for a fever and chills. Not sure how long she will be there this time because they don't know what is wrong yet. It could be a whole bunch of things but until the results from all the tests come back, we won't know anything. The tests could take up to 5 days before they know what is happening. I am staying at the apartment tonight because Dawn is in isolation. People can still go and visit her they just have to wear a gown and gloves while in the room. I hope more people can actually get down there to see her, even if its only for a hour. It will help her with her depression and help her not feel all alone. If anyone is interested and wants to know the room number or directions just let me know.

Can Anything Go Right

Well everything has been going somewhat ok until today. Dawn woke up at 5 am with a fever and chills. I called the clinic like I am supposed to and they said give her tylenol and come in at 8am. So we did and upon getting here the triage nurse wants to know why we didnt come in sooner. I told her what the nurse on the phone said and they were't happy by her decision. As it was put to me they have wrote an incidence report on that nurse. They have no clue what is going on cause her neutrophils jumped to over 5000 today. A very large jump for 1 day. They say if it was an infection her body should be able to fight it on its own with her counts where they are. She is most likely going to have to be admitted to the hospital again because they can't get her fever and chills under control which means there is most likely something more serious going on. The only other thing they said could be going on is her body is reacting to how fast her numbers are jumping. It isn't common but can happen. Well we all know when they say it isn't common what to look forward to cause that is what happens to Dawn. I will post later tonight to update if she goes to the hospital or not.