My name is Dawn Robertson, I am 28 years old. I live in Marysville, WA. My daughter Hailey is 6 years old. My husband and I have been together for 12 years. He is my rock. Ron, my husband, has been so strong through our journey. But boy are things getting tough. It all started in November 2007, I went in for a random check up, I had just gotten insurance through my work. I had only went in there to have my back checked out, I have arthritic spurs in my spine, had been having a lot of pain and thought with the insurance now I better get checked out. Not being a big fan of doctor’s offices I wanted to get in and out. The doctor at the Everett Clinic insisted I have a physical, considering I didn’t recall the last time I had one he thought it would be a good idea. After a few pokes and prods the doctor feels my neck…. A good size mass is in the right side of my neck…. What’s that? I ask, I don’t know, he says…. and this begins the story of Refractory Hodgkin's Lymphoma.
May 2009
It's not ending.... 4 different chemo treatments, 2 different radiation treatments, a stem cell transplant, and they still are not sure if they "got it".
Dawn, you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Grandpa Wickberg and Patricia
Thanks Grandpa Bill and Patricia. Hope someday soon after all this crap is over I can see you again. Miss you guys!
Love, Dawn
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